Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Roundup

Christmas was a pretty low key affair this year. Rocky still believes, but chances are just barely and this is probably his last year. He got a bunch of Star Wars stuff (surprise) and some Lego's. Probably less than he's ever got, but he didn't seem to notice. The girls got some clothes and things they asked for. We had some assorted family over for dinner & it was a nice evening. Steff had to get up at 3am as they were heading to New Orleans for their mission trip, and the bus left at 4am. We left the house early as we needed to stop at the cash station. Good thing we left early as the darn ATM sucked up my card! How rude! It wouldn't give it back. Luckily enough we had time to run home & borrow from Shannon. I dropped her off & was back in my nice warm bed by 4:15(ish)am. She said they tore the roof off a church yesterday & that she had a sunburned face. Sounds like it's going well.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Preparations

We've been entirely too busy getting ready for Christmas, among other things. Tonight we created our Gingerbread Train, and made some cookie dough. Here's some pictures of the best helper ever.
Decorating the train...

Making the dough...

and finally, the tree. This is the smallest tree we've ever had. Small, but beautiful!